
I bet you think this blog is about you, don't you?

Don’t you think this is all a bit indulgent? I don’t know if I have just switched gears or what, but lately I feel even the least “me me me” people are diving in head first to this ego pool. And they seem to be splashing all those around them with every pointless thought running through their heads. I feel a bit hypocritical blogging about this, (clearly there is a certain irony there), but in all fairness, it’s a tidal wave. 
I have my handful of pointless thoughts, absolutely. But as of late, for the most part, I try and share only the ones that might be of some small benefit to another human. This social media monsoon is drowning us in opportunities to tell everyone about how our day is going, how we can’t believe it snowed, how we can’t wait for work to be over...blah blah blah. Who are we talking TO anyways?! I believe the point of all this was to share and connect. Instead, it’s becoming a pedestal to rest our tired tweeting fingers upon. And frankly, we all look a little silly sitting on throwns. 
I love social media. And I love where it’s going. And I love the opportunities it can bring. But I think we need to be building ourselves in another way. Who really is dying to tune into our updates to see how our shopping trip went or what we had for dinner. The mere peasants below us?! No. We are all in such a rush to do everything now that we don’t seem to even have time to think anymore. Ever hear ‘think before you speak?’ Let’s twenty ten it to Think before you tweet. Help someone. Share the location of your fab shopping trip, or the great recipe you had for dinner. Be worthwhile, valuable. Share and connect so it matters. Step off the self made thrown and dry off. After all, you can only build yourself so high before it’s time to come down anyway. So before you drown in your own mindless monsoon, give up your vain reign and find yourself a pleasant peasant. Now,  who “likes this”?   ;o)