
Fine in Moderation.

Guess what I'm doing right now?

I'm eating a gluten-free sandwich.

Complete on gluten-free bread, with gluten-free cheese, gluten-free lettuce, and double gluten-free meat...

on a shiny gluten-free plate. And I'm also listening to gluten-free music just to be extra chic.

Ok, no I'm not. And even if I was, it doesn't make me better than you.

I'm not knocking a gluten-free lifestyle- to each his own, but really it's getting a bit out of control. The market has turned gluten into a spiraling evil force. And really, it seems no one did a background check on gluten.

As Americans, we love these trends. How else are we supposed be one up on each other? Trends, fads, whatever they are, they seem to pop up faster than we can say gluten-free (which I think I've reached my quota of, today). Few take the time to find out WHY they are spending their life savings to be suddenly eating everything gluten-free (crap).

Let's examine:

Gluten. Yes, very good. It does sound like glucose. Which is essentially sugar, which America has taught us is the worst thing on the planet ever and we all should do serious time for even uttering the word.... unless you're a high fructose corn syrup commercial, and then of course you know it's, "fine in moderation." Or at least that's what I've learned from these fabulously informative commercials. Gluten is not sugar. In fact, cute little gluten is the marriage of two baby proteins. And frankly, gluten doesn't understand why she deserves this bad rap. So really, unless you have Celiac Disease, or other health digestive issues, she won't kill you. Well, unless, you keep talking shit about her, and then you're on your own. And you're certainly not cooler for excluding her from your lunch table.

So before you start making your loved ones only eat crumbly, dry, gluten-free, rice bread, that you paid $9.50 for at the health food store, tell the band wagon to pull over at the next stop so you can do your research.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my gluten free Pandora station seems to have stopped.


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