
Dinner winner.

We are in a TERRIBLE habit of eating dinner at 10 o'clock every single night. I hate that we do this. It's bad on a number of levels, but we just can't seem to get it going any earlier. Tonight was a miracle that we're done and it's only 9:42 as I type this and the hub is cleaning dishes. Well, I guess there are TWO miracles there! Ha, Anyhoo! Great dinner tonight that I absolutely must share. Uber easy and uberly as  yummy.

I made this with Greek yogurt instead of regular, because well Greek yogurt is all the rage and I like to keep it trendy. Kidding. More protein. 

Also, my husband threw a mini fit when I tried to buy a red pepper on the ingredient list because it was $3.99 per pepper. (This is why I prefer to shop alone) Admittedly, that is a bit outrageous so I subbed in artichokes. I love them and they go well with shrimpys. One more add in... my weaknesses... shoes, plum colored things of all sorts, and capers. All meals are better with capers. (The ones that look like sweet peas, not the other kind that are bigger and resemble eye balls).

Moral of the story: this was delish and easy. Make it for supper. 

I hate the word supper, just seeing if you're still paying attention ;o) 


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