and a happy New Year...
Fits and flights.
Good Things Come in Small Packages

Did you know I was a premi? Yep, which is a little ironic because I am rarely early for anything these days. Fate's sense of humor, I suppose. Small is what I know, and that early arrival (along with a dose of family genes) landed me an annual front row seat on class picture day. I was too short to climb the tree in preschool, (thanks for the boost Matty D), wearing a size 6X for far too long, and consequently growing big in a small town. Surrounded by small, it's offsetting to hear small town paired with any negative stigma. Small towns are where big dreams, people, and ideas are born. Even those with the world outside their doorsteps, find themselves seeking out the places that are inevitably "small." It's rare to find true metropolitan natives that spend their weekends exploring the big city attractions. (Those were created for us "small timers" to swoon over). There is a large comfort in small. It's hard to disagree that we all would prefer a small team of truly sincere friends rather than a stadium full of contacts.
The Real McCoy

What does it really mean to be authentic? Most of us marched through our education like aunts on parade, rarely entertaining the thought of being out of step. Like most small suburbs, where I came from, challenging the status quo was atypical. Besides the handful of, for lack of a better term, "rebels," mostly everyone continued marching two by two in the same path. In an upbringing so socially structured, it's more challenging to march to the beat of your own drum, per se. Let's face it, insecurity, fear, desire, and acceptance equal one easily influenced ant. We spent the greater part of our formative years coloring in the lines and thinking within that darn box. And then, like a captive bird, we are set free into the complete unknown to spread our wings. Suddenly, the life of fitting in means you are the same as the person next to you. And frankly, this world has enough ants to ruin a perfect picnic. Instantaneously, it's no longer about fitting in, it's about standing out. Seems like a waste of prep time if you ask me.
Fall favorites

I'll admit, I am falling for fall. Ok, that was lame, but unquestionably I have a much stronger admiration for this beautiful time of year now that I am no longer stuck in a class room. That unsettling feeling that always accompanied the crispness of the air has now hitched a ride on that cool fall breeze. I love the refreshing nights, the light jacket days, and all the other colorful undertones that tag along with this inevitable transition of seasons.
25 and 7.
She takes the cake
I've reached the age where weddings are around every corner. In youngstown, it's not a wedding unless you have a cookie table that stretches for miles. Having an itch for baking and a natural sweet tooth, I always put these tables under a little more scrutiny than the average wedding goer. There's nothing more off-putting than biting into a visually stunning treat and finding its contents to be sub par. It's even more disappointing to uncover this quality in others.
For a little spin on our favorite, try this aroma pleasing summer quencher.

Lavender Lemonade:
1 tray ice cubes
1/4 cup dried lavender
2 cups boiling water
3/4 cup white sugar
8 lemons
5 cups cold water, or as needed
Place ice cubes into a 2 quart pitcher. Place the lavender into a bowl, and pour boiling water over it. Allow to steep for about 10 minutes, then strain out the lavender and discard. Mix the sugar into the hot lavender water, then pour into the pitcher with the ice.
Squeeze the juice from the lemons into the pitcher, getting as much juice as you can. Top off the pitcher with cold water, and stir. Taste, and adjust lemon juice or sugar if desired. Pour
into tall glasses, pull up a lawn chair and a good book, and relax.
Compliments of Allrecipes.com
Fate or Foe?
My fate is in your hands. We constantly use this silly little figure of speech. Todays media is overflowing with problems, debates, stories, and complaints. Whatever the crisis, we look to find someone to point the finger at. Taking responsibility for your own actions is ludicrous. How refreshingly honest would it be to find the criminal saying "well Officer, I performed this crime because I am a terrible, unhappy, human being." Instead we investigate the scenario to uncover the criminals "chemical imbalance" and he almost gains our sympathy. The responsibility is lifted and his fate is in our hands. Of course that was a drastic example to prove a point, but this exact situation happens more often than not in our daily lives. We like to put our love, our luck, and our success, in the hands of others to save face. We are the "criminals" bailing ourselves out of embarrassment with our own chemical imbalances, (per se). In this crazy world it is easier to whip up a batch of complaints about how nothing ever goes right, rather than, as they say, "make lemonade." Truth is, there are those lucky people that seem to have just stumbled upon success. But that millionaire lottery winner didn't gain his prosperity without taking an active role in his winnings. As little action as it took him to get up, get dressed, drive to the store, and purchase a ticket, he did in fact, take some control. No matter the dose, there is hard work and responsibility behind every healthy success story. We can't sit around and wait for the jury to conclude we are crazy and hope for our happy ending. Often, fate does indeed have a funny little way of getting us to easy street, but sometimes, like us, it needs a little direction.