I'll admit, I am falling for fall. Ok, that was lame, but unquestionably I have a much stronger admiration for this beautiful time of year now that I am no longer stuck in a class room. That unsettling feeling that always accompanied the crispness of the air has now hitched a ride on that cool fall breeze. I love the refreshing nights, the light jacket days, and all the other colorful undertones that tag along with this inevitable transition of seasons.
The chill in the air always is partnered with the upcoming of the holidays. Though, I never favored halloween as a child, I know undoubtedly, it is ranked a close second to Christmas for many little ones. What could be better than choosing to become anyone you can imagine followed by a lump sum of sugar? Apart from the notion that I was not a candy bar kid, I remember almost being stressed over the decision of what to dress as, then worrying I won't fit the roll just right.
Consequently, as I age, I realize every day mirrors this childish favorite. As kids, we settle on an idea, dress in a disguise, and go out to ask for what makes us the happiest. As adults, the process is comparable, but habitually life long. We play the roles we have chosen as husbands, wives, doctors, teachers. Effortlessly, we settle into these positions letting them define us. What we portray can be misleading- made of plastic and makeup. Suddenly we are immune to the ghosts and goblins on the outside. So easily wrapped up in a role that can result in stress and indecisiveness sometimes the result is an unfavorable character- even we can forget what is underneath. We do what fits the bill of the lion and the wife, in a new wardrobe. It's easy to forget to remove our masks when the day is done. Among the chaos of succumbing to all the various titles that make up one another, there is one that is indefinable. One that no one else can emulate. When the tricks have been played, the treats have lost their luster, and the disguise has been packed away, bare truth is all that is left. When asked, "Trick or treat?" The answer is always treat. Revealing that bare truth is the trick.
Halloween is a holiday filled with fun and fear. If we stay behind the masks, we can face the fear as someone or something else. We are buffered by the act, and unfortunately so is everything else we encompass. We are adults, and teachers, and lawyers, and mothers, and husbands and wives. While those are untouchable accomplishments, we were all once something else before we slipped into those roles. It is effortless to become unrecognizable, even to ourselves. Pick the trick, brave the ghosts, reveal yourself, and show that indefinable quality. Hopefully what's behind the mask is the same as what we portray on the outside.
A favorite of mine- a close friend has always had these enlightening words to share. "If personality resulted in looks, think, would you still be beautiful?"
Soak up those fall favorites everyone and clank glasses with some spiked apple cider.
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