"I can remember when I had the worst practice of my life and Lisa told me: The best thing about a bad day is that you get to make it better."
I'm not claiming ingenious epiphany by any means, but short, sweet, and helpful to that 9 yr old crumbling before me at the time. As insignificant as that tid-bit of advice was, it was a proud reminder of the impact I have on those often trying kids. I will reveal some relevance here, I promise. I can state with sincerity, I do sympathize with the reality that they soak up my words probably more than the average person does (mostly because they are forced to listen to me for 2.5 hours a night). Knowing how nutty some of their parents can be, setting a positive example for them, (or at least a fair attempt), comes quite organically now. The long and the short of it is, we never really know who we are impacting every day. Good or bad.
At this very moment, I can tell you exactly what's on the mind of my cousin's friend's brother's girlfriend whom I met once at a family function. I can recite who has had a baby, who has suffered turmoil, and who has gotten engaged. Do I want to know all this information? Not particularly. But the fish I'm after is the cyber reality that we can find out almost anything about anyone in one lightening fast hook and reel.
(a fishing analogy? I know- I'm not sure where that came from either).
Let's switch motherboards for a minute here and talk reality. We don't walk around with 140 characters above our heads for all to read. Out in the raw cyberless world we have no idea what is going on in the lives of our bank teller, grocery store cashier, or guy that just cut us off in the prime of rush hour. Before you blow a fuse, consider the options and who you could be impacting. Are your actions helping those around you aspire to be better or worse? I could have just as easily told that fit throwing 9yr old to suck it up, quit complaining, and do what I ask (believe me, most days I want to). But then she wouldn't have been able to offer up those encouraging words that just may stick and domino. Consequently, the guy that cut you off, or the rude bank teller, or the grocery bagger with less personality than a rock, could be dashing to an emergency, in the middle of a painful divorce, or dealing with a tremendous loss. OR to be 100% honest, he very well just may be ignorant, unhappy and mean. Either way, we all are a question mark outside of our keyboards and like the machines we entrust our most precious data with, we too, break. We are endless mistake making, virus catching, fact storing humans- flying around this earth both hoping and fearing we will crash into one another. All you can do is try your best to control your own plane and those that have chosen to fly with you. They are the precious cargo we live for deserving the best path we can show them. We all will experience fear filled take offs, bouts of turbulence, and not so smooth landings. But like that wise 11yr old told me yesterday, even our stormy days are able to clear. While sometimes it is nearly impossible to recognize a glimpse of light, think of all those on board trusting you to make the right moves when things don't exactly go according to plan. Because just as quickly as the storm rolled in, it will dissipate leaving nothing but cloud nine in view.